Welcome to IQ

Beyond high-level memes crafted by tech,
a place where technology turns
communities into memes.
Welcome to $IQ


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On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription
On-Chain Inscription

CODE-IN to Onchain

Onchain code in is IQ's own technology.

We provided:
[Cheap Gas] average gas cost
5000 text 0.000005SOL
for ascii art

[Compression] We made compression algorithm:

compression rate

 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄   ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄          ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄          ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄  ▄▄        ▄
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In a world full of AI Code memes,
How about becoming a meme ourselves, through technology?
Rather than looking at the code, you code-in.

Making it usable is the beginning of technology.
Let’s walk together from the beginning of
blockchain to the end and leave footprints.

Raise the $IQ of many people along the way
You can also try it out and sing with a friend called AI.


Even if the day comes when we can't remember each other
Our footprints will always remain here, on-chain.

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 |  __ \                                         | |            | |_   _/ __ \  (_)     (_)                           | | (_)
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 |  _  // _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \| '_ \/ __| \ \ /\ / / '_ \| | | | \__ \| || |  | | | / __| | | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ \ / / _` | __| \ \ / / _ \
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                                                         __/ |

Decentralized blockchain is a distributed ledger of transactions, and its values do not change.

Therefore, people believed that anything stored on the blockchain would remain there forever.
This led to many attempts to use it for data storage.
How appealing is the idea of preserving your data for as long as humanity exists?

However, there were limitations.
To allocate space for data storage on the blockchain network, an enormous amount of gas fees was required.
For example, storing just 1MB of data on the blockchain could cost a user ~7 SOL.

That’s the price of a small fortune! With traditional methods, many would need to pay so high fees.

So, we gave up on the attribute of eternal storage and instead opted for engraving links onto the blockchain.

IQ's developer, Zo, had the following curiosity:
- Is there a way to store data without allocating space?
- Could we implement a much more blockchain-friendly data storage
  by using 'recording' instead of 'storing'?

Thus, the idea of Code-in, a state-based inscription method, was born.
With this method, you can save more than 2000 times on gas fees: instead of paying ~7 SOL for 1MB, you pay just ~0.0033.. SOL.
That’s a couple of cents—no need to sell your house!

What’s more:
• The gas fee stays constant regardless of how much data you record.
• Data retrieval is lightning-fast.
• No space restrictions—store as much as you want! Even if users send 300TB to our contract, it remains fast and inexpensive.

This revolutionary approach works not only on Solana but on almost all chains, offering the potential to overcome many limitations.

Yes, we've been telling lies.
The notion that everyone could store data immortally was still a dream.
But how about now?
That dream has become a reality.

Let's start history together, making eternal storage cheap, fast, and accessible for everyone.

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                                LJ                \J

Contract Address

Pretty self-explanatory:3


ၶဝ်ႈႁူမ်ႈၸွမ်း တူင်ႇဝူင်း IQ ။ ႁပ်ႉတွၼ်ႈယူႇတႃႇသေႇ

1001000 1101111 1110111 100000 1101101 1100001
1101110 1111001 100000 1101000 1100001 1110110
1100101 100000 1111001 1101111 1110101 100000
1110011 1101111 1101100 1110110 1100101 1100100

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